Welcome to the Basis wiki!
This page will help provide the minimum required steps, in order to get a Basis project up and running, including how-to guides for creating Avatars and World asset bundles.
Current System Requirements
Installing Unity
- Hub - https://unity.com/download
- Standalone - https://unity.com/releases/editor/archive
Compatible Unity Versions
- As of today the latest compatible version of Unity 6 LTS is 6000.0.31f1
Additional Modules
- Add "Windows Build Support (IL2CPP)" to project via the "Add modules"
Acquiring the Basis framework
You can either directly clone the Long-Term-Support
repository found at https://github.com/dooly123/Basis or fork it to your own local repository, and then open the resulting Unity project on your local computer.
Direct Zip Download
For those wishing to forgo the Git experience
- Select 'Code' dropdown in the top right of the then Download ZIP.
- Unpack ZIP to any folder or destination you like.
- Add the folder as an existing Project in Unity Hub
We have provided instructions for creating your first Avatar or World compatible with the Basis framework.
Please join the Basis Discord and join a community of developers and hobbyists to help you on your way!